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Sunday, December 18, 2016

I am not a former KGB.

Several days ago, I read someone’s blog which said that Donald Trump is destroying America’s linguistic infrastructure. And in defense of our linguistic infrastructure we ought to write down some words, every day. Or the words might be destroyed or forgotten due to Donald Trump.

I have some words today.
I am not a former KGB. You are probably not former KGB either. But, imagine what it must be like to be a former KGB. Imagine the delicious irony of seeing America’s Left recruiting the CIA to subvert a presidential election in the United States!  (Please, CIA, convince the electors to vote for our candidate! Because secret evidence of Russia doing something vaguely bad!) 

So very delicious!

“If you care about the country enough to be angry at the prospect of election-meddling, you should be terrified of the prospect of military tensions with Russia based on hidden evidence. You need not look too far back in recent history to find an example of when wrongly blaming a foreign government for sponsoring an attack on the U.S. has tremendously backfired.”

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